Monday, July 2, 2012

The Old Man and the Sea: How accurately does this novel reflect events in history? What responsibilities does the author believe exist between various groups in society, such as workers and bosses, men and women, blacks and whites, etc.? What people, ideas, and events probably influenced this author

This story expresses the fact that younger people should give their elders respect, and later, that even opponents should respect each other. This is seen very clearly in the relationship between Santiago and Manolin, the young boy Santiago teaches to fish. Manolin, from the start, has a great respect for Santiago, and even honors the old man despite his terrible misfortune and poor living conditions.  He honors him and helps him. Manolin still trusts Santiago’s word and listens to him when he speaks. He helps the old man, checks up on him and brings him food. (Hemingway pg.17-21) Santiago also has a resononsibility. He teaches Manolin how to fish and raises him with his good morals, teaches him how to be a man.  Hemingway here, sets the responsibilities for Youth and Elders. The Youth should respect and listen to their elders, and the Elders should teach the Youth. Manolin also shows his respect to his parents, and listens to them when they tell him to seek employment somewhere besides Santiago. Hemingway also addresses Bosses and Workers.  Manolin is employed by a fisherman other than Santiago. He also shows respect to his boss, and makes sure to do his work, though he wishes he was with Santiago. Hemingway shows relationship between opponents to. Santiago is an opponent to the Marlin, and vice versa. Opponents should respect each other, even though they are fighting against their cause. Santiago often refers to the fish as his brother, and even thinks he is unworthy to be eaten. Santiago does this because he knows the marlin matches him in strength and is a worthy opponent.

I think that scenery and the place where Hemingway lived for a while was what influenced Hemingway to write this novella. According to sparknotes, he lived in Cuba for a bit of his life, and spent a lot of time fishing in the Gulf Stream and fishing in the Caribbean. The Old Man and the Sea also takes place in Cuba, and I think that this was the main influence Hemingway had to write this book. He spent so much time out on the sea that it inspired him to write it. The sea is a really inspiring place to be, and I can easily see how it can influence someone, especially a writer in need of a good break, to write a book.

Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New York: Scribner, 1952. Print.

SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on The Old Man and the Sea.” SparkNotes LLC. 2002. (accessed June 26, 2012).

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