Monday, September 24, 2012

Journal #10

Brach's Star Brites Mints are the PERFECT pick-me-up for any slow moving day! Craving sugar or sweets but want to stay healthy? Grab a hand full of Mints to get you through your day. They're HEALTHY, and with the drowsy cold season approaching, they are a GREAT REMEDY for opening up your sinuses and giving you a relaxing coolness in your throat. IN FACT, Mr. Langley, you should BRING THEM with you to NEXT CLASS!!! Why bring Brach's Star Brites Mints to your next class? Well, they're are actually many reasons. First, our class is early in the morning, and many people (especially teenagers like us) don't eat breakfast every morning or don't eat enough to keep them going till lunch. Mints are a perfect way to curb hunger and help us focus on the work we need to accomplish in English class, because being hungry is extremely distracting! So next time your hear a student complaining about early morning hunger, all you have to do is give them a few mints to get them through your class! So that is one major reason why you should bring them for us. Another great reason is that, like I said previously, cold season is coming, and mints are great for opening up sinuses and helping us all breathe easy. Having a stuffy nose is very distracting in class time, and instead of having us disrupt the class by getting up to go to the nurse's office to grab a cough drop, why not just give us a fresh spearmint to relieve our ailment?  It seriously works, and in ALL HONESTY I use mints all the time when I have a cold.  A third reason you should bring them is because most of us are drowsy in the morning and maybe didn't get a good amount of sleep the night before. Ever tried to lecture a class only to find out that half of us are asleep? All you've got to do is have us all eat a mint, and the coolness will wake us up and bring us back to focus on the lesson. Overall, mints a great to have in a class room! They have many uses, and I’ve already explained to you some of them. So don't let your class be distracted from the lesson, just give out some mints and you're next lesson is sure to go smoother. 

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