Thursday, September 6, 2012

Journal #5

I think that taking away technology in general is a cruel punishment, mainly because in this generation, our phones and our tech devices are our connection to the world. Teachers now incorporate technology like text messages to alert students when they have a test, or what their homework is and when it's due. We do text a lot, and we get a lot of notifications from things that are happening around us via text messaging, but the main thing is teacher contact.  So taking away the texting could affect the students grades sometimes. Taking away email is bad too. Students also use that to connect with teachers, and some homework requires them to email their teacher or email them for help on their homework assignment. I personally use email alot, probably more than anything else, because i ask teacher questions on assignments, i use it to email work to myself that i do at school, and teachers email me sometimes to answer my class questions. So texing and email are defanatly not fair. The one thing that i DO think would be fair is taking away facebook. Teachers do not contact students over facebook. Facebook is an online world, that is true, but you don't speciafically need it for school or anything related to education. It would be painful to be separated from it though, because people talk with friends ALOT on it, so it definitely would be a punishment. I'd be really bummed if i got it taken away from me. I talk to my homies on there ALOT and i check it almost everyday to see whats new with everyone. Not being on facebook would cut me off from the net gen world, which i wouldn't enjoy at all, but it wouldn't affect my education. I think that taking away facebook would be a just punishment.

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